Port Elizabeth

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Exercising is not easy, it involves a lot of hard work and perseverance. When you start getting tired and sweaty, the first question that springs to mind is

“Why do I torture myself with physical activities when I could be socializing with friends or just be doing nothing?”

Getting your mindset and goals in place BEFORE starting a fitness program that involves life style changes is vital.

If you are not clear on why you are doing these changes, it is easy to relapse back into your old unhealthy way of living.

To save you time here is list of the more popular excuses;

* I have no time
* I am too old/young
* No budget/ finances

Starting a new fitness program can be mind boggling and a bit overwhelming!

* Where do you start
* What kind of exercises should you start with
* How much time will it take
* How often do I need to do this
* How hard should I train
* What kind of budget is needed
* Setting up time frames

VERY IMPORTANT! Before starting any physical activity, first check with your doctor or medical officer.

* Been aware of any conditions will help to determine the kind of exercises and their intensity
* If you have a heart condition, neck or back problems it is vital you tell your training partner or personal trainers about it
* Knowing the signs and symptoms of a medical condition is important especially that of Diabetes Signs Symptoms.

When setting up your exercise routine you need to take your fitness level into account
o Start off slow especially the first time. Most newbies don’t realize how out of shape they are and they tend to overdo it, resulting in injuries and hurting themselves and not being able to continue their program.
* The two best activities to start a fitness program with, are walking and swimming
* Don’t lock yourself into a long term contract thinking that the contract will motivate you to get fit.
* Don’t buy fancy gym equipment (white elephants) - rather use a friend’s equipment or hire it for 21 days. They say it takes about that time to form new habits or not!

Getting fit must be a Mind-set and the secret to any fitness routine is consistency.

Once you manage your fitness routines in a set - dedicated way and you have achieved a certain level of fitness it becomes addictive. A person start to experience this "feel good feeling" after a routine.

This post was written by
Pine Pienaar Info

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